UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС





UCEPS AT Group sees its mission as follows: we must fully meet the needs of our clients, comprehensively solving tasks and maximally matching the principles of the state policy in our work in the field of security, life and health of our citizens, environmental requirements and protection of property.

"Three Pillars" of our mission are Reputation, Efficiency and Responsibility. What is the meaning that we put into these concepts?


It is your opinion about us, about our reliability as a partner in business relationships, multiplied by years of cooperation.


It is overall level of professionalism of the company multiplied by the results of the provision of services that we provide to you as our customers.


It is the company's ability to overcome the objective difficulties arising in the performance of works and provision of services, thereby rendering adequate influence on the course of events.



We see our main task not only in the provision of certification services, but also in constant work on improving its safety and quality. These are long-term priorities which are based on the urgent needs of our customers.


For us it is important to ensure the highest level of organizing and carrying out tests in full accordance with standards, their accuracy and deadline management of work. Following the privacy policy, competence and validity of decisions taken - these are priority standards for us by means of which we are guided in our work.

We also strive to obtain objective data on actual values of quality test and production facilities. These quality indicators are strictly checked for compliance with the existing regulations.


As a part of the operator's inspection the main direction of development is: the progressive development of the network of the TI, improving the quality of services through the purchase of new equipment and training of technical experts.


Working within the framework of realization of this policy means providing qualitative research, inspection, conformity assessment, regulation of administrative and organizational procedures, competent distribution of powers and responsibilities, the composition of carefully selected high-quality personnel, the level of equipment in accordance with the latest technological advances.


Strategic directions in which implemented the realization of the company's mission can be described as follows:

Formation and development of long-term and fruitful cooperation with colleagues, customers, partners, industry and public institutions;
The implementation of information transparency policy, creating an impeccable reputation in relation to general public, our partners and customers;
Constant movement forward and finding new areas for further achievements in the framework of the company activities;
Improving the quality of services through the strengthening and expansion of relations with related agencies;
Active implementation of the principles of corporate management and culture;
Creation of the most favorable conditions for the employees of the company for realization of their creative potential and professional ideas within the organization system and motivation.


It can be a long and unsuccessful talk about improvement of the services quality, but don't make even a step closer to this goal. For this not to happen, we have developed and standardized certain principles of business communication with our customers. "Quality Standard" provision of our services includes:

Help with Your Application

When making an application for any kind of activity of our company we will render all possible assistance: advise the optimal range of services, advise what documents are needed, help with your application.


We will render information support at all stages of the provision of services: certification, testing, technical inspection, expertise, appraisal and installation of tachographs (and related services), conformity assessment of the vehicle after a change in the design, OMI, evaluation and other services.

Reasonable terms. Efficiency

In today's world, timely executed works or services are the key to success not only for the customer but also for the performer of work. The absence of "procrastination" helps to keep low cost services. Our terms of services are defined at the application stage and do not change, if it is not asked about by the applicant himself.

Transparent prices

Even when performing such complex and multi-stage work as a conformity assessment in the form of vehicle type approval, we give a "full layout" of cost on each stage and its complexity.

CONVENIENT LOCATION. Geographic accessibility

UCEPS AT Group allocates special significance to transport accessibility of our services. We work on expanding our network of offices on a regular basis. If we can not open a representative office for any reason, we provide outreach services (on-site inspection, testing, analysis of production, installation of tachographs in the company of the customer, delivery of made license plates, etc.)


For "our life not to seem gray and dull" UCEPS AT Group conducts regular promotions and prize draws, contributes to the development of demand growth due to favorable offer.


In many areas of activity of UCEPS AT Group there are discounts. This applies both to social discounts (for seniors or disabled), and discounts for companies, ordering our services on a regular basis. Please note - prices are only valid at certain times on specific areas, specify when you make an application.

Consistent quality

We strive to maintain and continually improve the quality of our services provided. Quality is a complex measure of the ability of the company to provide services in accordance with customer requirements. This high quality enables us to ensure a positive outcome.

High qualification

Any company (UCEPS AT Group is not an exception) which is engaged in the provision of services in the automotive industry, mechanical engineering should be composed of qualified personnel. For us the phrase "high qualifications" is a fundamental principle and the main competitive advantage over other companies.

High quality equipment

While providing the services and executing work, we only use advanced modern equipment, that allows us to obtain results with high performance and reliability.


UCEPS AT Group works on updating the accreditation on a permanent basis. Each business line at any convenient time for you.


We successfully operate since 2003. Our main specializations are mechanical engineering, automotive industry, agricultural machinery and road construction machinery.


I, the head of UCEPS AT Group Birindeev Victor, is a guarantee of providing quality services. If you have any questions or suggestions email me about them - I personally consider your proposal and answer all your questions.